Why I *really* chose to leave the Arma Discord

So, a while ago I chose to leave the Arma Discord after a debate with one of the BI Moderators, Dedmen.

It’s on the Arma Discord IP discussions channel if anyone wants to find it.

I've had several conversations with community members since and there seems to be some strong opinions about it. Most of them wrong. So, I thought I'd make a statement about it to set the record straight.

  1. Yes, it was an emotional response.
  2. No it was not a spur of the moment thing
  3. Dedmen did not "beat me with logic" - there was no logic to his argument.
  4. I did not leave immediately.
  5. I was not kicked, threatened or bullied into leaving.

The entire time the debate was going on I was getting DM’s from 5 other people asking about the discussion. Four of which were telling me not to waste my time. All of which also suggested that “the mods will find a way to ban you”. 

It’s at this point that I realised that no amount of factual information is going to make a difference in that discussion.  He was only ever going to find things to pick at and never admit he was wrong. I was tired, frustrated and thoroughly disgusted with his attitude.  And honestly, I had been for a long time.

I've been ill for quite some time now. Cancer. I have only so much energy per day and towards the end of Dedmen's persistent trolling I realised three things. 

  1. I was arguing with someone with ZERO practical experience of IP Law.
  2. I was wasting my time. He was never going accept he was wrong.
  3. I have much better things to spend that energy on.

I slept on it.

The next morning, I woke up, read his comments in the Veteran’s chat room. And left the server in disgust.

That’s what really happened.