Licensing your Addons

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What is a EULA

Premade Licences

Reference Links:

Granting Permission to others

I don’t want to get into the business of writing contracts and licences here but you should be clear about your intention and how you want your content to be used. Even if you ignore the legal side of things, being clear about your needs/limits is going to be less painful in the long run.

For example, You have a Truck addon that someone wants to reskin and add guns to. But you only want to give them permission for the edit and make sure they don’t just hand out the source.
“I give you permission to modify and adapt this addon for your specific mod   in ArmA3 game only. You may not deed/cede or gift rights to any work derived from this anyone without my written permission.”
So, by saying this you are actually saying – The requestor can:
  1. edit or adapt this specific addon 
  2. But only for use in ArmA3
  3. They aren’t allowed to give anyone else rights or permission to make any further adaptions to your IP unless they have your written permission.
Choose your wording carefully and try to be specific.


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